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更新時間:2016/7/18 17:35:00  手機版




  (1)would like 意為“想,想要”,與want意義相同,但語氣更委婉。

  would like可與任何人稱連用,沒有人稱和數的變化,肯定句中would常在主語后面縮寫為’d。

  A、肯定句:主語+ would like

  I'd like two sweaters for my daughters. 我想給我的女兒們買兩件毛衣。

  I would like to drop maths. 我想放棄數學。

  B、一般疑問句:Would +主語+ like?

  回答是的兩種結構:Yes, please. / No, thanks.

  — Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要喝茶嗎?

  — Yes, please. 好的。/ No, thanks. 不用了,謝謝。

  C、特殊疑問句:疑問詞+ would + 主語+ like?

  What would you like me to do? 你想要我干什么?


  A、would like sth. “想要某物”。如:

  — Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要喝茶嗎?

  — Yes, please. 好的。/ No, thanks. 不用了,謝謝。

  B、would like to do sth. “想要做某事”。如:

  — Would you like to go shopping with me? 你想和我一起去購物嗎?

  — Yes, I’d like to. 好的,我想去。

  — I’d like to, but I have to do my homework. 我想去,但是我要做作業(yè)。

  C、would like sb to do sth. “想要某人做某事”。

  Jim would like his friend to help him with his English. 吉姆想要他的朋友幫助他學習英語。


  “ too+形容詞/副詞+動詞不定式”結構簡稱為“too……to”結構。


  A、too+adj. / adv.+to do這個句型是too……to的最基本的常用句型。too+形容詞或副詞,有時too后也可跟一個起形容詞作用的過去分詞。

  例:The boy is too young to go to school. 這男孩年齡太小,不能上學。

  The hat is too large to wear. 這帽子太大,沒法戴。

  The tea is too hot to drink. 茶太熱,不能喝。

  B、too+adj. / adv.+for sb. / sth. to do 在“too……to”結構中加上一個for sb ./ sth.以提示動詞不定式的邏輯主語,可以起到一定的限制作用,即限制不定式所表示的動作行為只是就它的邏輯主語而言的,對于其他人或物則不一定是這樣,這就使句子意思更具體、明白。

  例:English is too difficult for me to learn well. 英語太難,我學不好。(具體指出誰學不好,只是我學不好,可能別人學得好。)

  This box is too heavy for me to carry. 這個箱子太重,我搬不動。

  It's too late for us to catch the early bus. 太晚了,我們趕不上那趟早班公共汽車了。



  It’s time to do.該做某事了。

  want to do=would like to do 想要做某事

  go /come to do  去/來做某事

  how to do     怎樣做某事

  try to do     試著做某事

  need to do    需要做某事

  forget to do  忘記做某事


  No + doing 禁止做某事

  like doing 喜歡做某事

  How about doing…? 做某事怎么樣

  see sb.doing sth. 看見某人正在干某事


  1.like+名詞復數                          (喜歡某物)

  like doing /like to do                    (喜歡做某事)

  2.would like sth.=want sth.              (想要某物)

  would like to + do=want to + do   (想要做某事)


 、 know a lot about sth. (了解很多關于…)

  ②talk to sb. about sth.   (和某人談論某事)

 、踭alk about  sth.            (談論某事)

  ④talk to /with sb.              (和某人交談)

 、輆sk sb.questions about sth.(問某人關于某事的問題)

  ⑥ask sb. to do sth.      (要求某人做某事)

 、 tell sb. about sth.   (告訴某人關于某事)

 、 help sb.(to) do sth.  (幫助某人做某事)

  ⑨ let sb. do sth.            (讓某人做某事)


 、賕ive sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. (給某人某物--把某物給某人)

 、趕how sb. sth. =show sth. to sb.(給某人看某物--把某物給某人看)

 、踒uy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. (為某人買某物—買某物給某人)

  5.pick it/them up  把它(它們)撿起    (it, them 只能放中間)

  pick the book up = pick up the book 把書撿起 (具體東西可放中間也可放后面)


  at + 鐘點(還有些固定搭配at night)

  on +具體某一天(如星期幾,星期幾上午下午或幾月幾號)

  in +月份或年(還有些固定搭配如 in themorning/afternoon/evening)

  7. a lot of = lots of = many (許多,用于可數名詞)

  a lot of = lots of = much (許多,用于不可數名詞)

  8. excited  (某人) 激動的,興奮的   exciting (某物,某事)令人激動的,令人興奮的)

  9. look for (尋找)注重過程  find(找到)注重結果

  look at 看著   look after照料    look around 環(huán)顧

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