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更新時間:2016/7/18 17:35:00  手機版



  如:a bottle / glass of,a cup of,a piece of,a pair of





  a couple of(兩個、一對)

  a couple of days,

  a couple of players,

  a couple of times;

  a cupful of(一滿杯)

  a cupful of jelly,

  a cupful of water;

  a portion of(一份/客)

  a portion of duck,

  a portion of roast beef.


  a majority of(大多數(shù)/大半)

  a majority of opinions,a majority of votes;

  an atom of(一點)

  an atom of food,an atom of truth;

  a spell of(一陣/一段時間)

  a spell of fine weather,

  a spell of coughing.


  a flood of—a flood of ink(洋洋大篇),

  a flood of tears(淚如泉涌);

  a heap of—a heap of earth(一堆泥土),

  a heap of customers(許多顧客);

  a mountain of—a mountain of debts(債臺高筑),

  a mountain of difficulties(困難重重).


  a drop of—a drop of fever(有點熱度),

  a drop of dew(一點露水);

  a particle of—a particle of feeling(一絲感情),

  a particle of dust(一點灰塵);

  a shadow of—a shadow of doubt(一點懷疑),

  a shadow of freedom(一點自由).




  a bit of—a bit of English(一點英語),

  a bit of good advice(一些好意見),

  a bit of interest(一點興趣),

  a shred of—a shred of evidence(一點證據(jù)),

  a shred of cloth(少量布),

  a shred of reputation(一點聲譽),

  a sheet of—a sheet of glass(一塊玻璃),

  a sheet of water(一片汪洋)。


  a cluster of—a cluster of flowers(一簇花),

  a cluster of spectators(一群觀眾),

  a cluster of bright stars(閃爍群星),

  a string of—a string of pearls(一串珠子),

  a string of curses(連續(xù)不斷的咒罵),

  a string of excuses(一連串借口),

  a scram of—a scram of mosquitoes(一群蚊子),

  a scram of geese(一群鵝),

  a scram of children(一群孩子)


  a body of—a body of bees(一群蜜蜂),

  a body of cold air(一股冷空氣),

  a body of facts(許多事實),

  a block of—a block of ice(一大塊冰),

  a block of flats(一幢公寓),

  a block of houses(一排房子),

  a chain of—a chain of ideas(一系列想法),

  a chain of accidents(一連串事故),a chain of proof(一連串證據(jù))。



  a barrel of—a barrel of beer(一桶啤酒),

  a barrel of crude oil(一桶原油),

  a basket of—a basket of eggs(一籃雞蛋),

  a basket of apples(一籃蘋果),

  a line of—a line of trees(一行樹),

  a line of poetry(一行詩)。


  a piece of—a piece of paper(一張紙),

  a piece of furniture(一件家具),

  a piece of equipment(一臺設備),

  a round of—a round of spirit(一巡酒),

  a round of diplomatic talks(一輪外交談判),

  a round of toast(一片烤面包)

  a bar of—a bar of chocolate(一塊巧克力),

  a bar of soap(一條肥皂),

  a bar of light(一束光)。


  1. 一般性的表示個數(shù)的量詞:

  這一組中主要有piece, bit, item, article 等詞,但piece具有獨特的地位,在使用其他詞的地方一般都可使用piece 代替之。比如:

  piece a piece of meat/paper/bread/music/information/furniture/machinery, etc. 一片肉/一張紙/一片面包/一首曲子/一條信息/一件家具/一臺機器等

  bit a bit of news/wood/advice/trouble, etc. 一條消息/一塊木頭/一條建議/一件麻煩事等

  item an item of news/crime/program/business, etc. 一條新聞/一宗罪行/一個項目/一筆生意等

  article an article of export/ furniture/ clothing/ luggage, etc. 一宗出口/一件家具/一件衣服/一件行李等

  2. 以形狀表示個數(shù)的量詞:

  bar a bar of chocolate/candy 一塊巧克力/一塊糖

  bunch a bunch of flowers/grapes/ keys 一束花/一串葡萄/一串鑰匙

  cake a cake of soap/ice一塊肥皂/一塊冰

  cluster a cluster of stars/flowers/animals一群星/一束花/一群動物

  comb a comb of bananas 一串香蕉

  drop a drop of rain/ blood 一滴雨/一滴血

  ear an ear of corn/wheat一棒玉米/一穗麥子

  flight a flight of stairs/arrows/sparrows一段樓梯/一陣箭雨/一群麻雀

  flock a flock of workmen/criminals/boys 一群工人/一伙罪犯/一群男孩

  head a head of cabbage/cauliflower/sheep 一頭卷心菜/一塊花菜/一頭羊

  lump a lump of sugar/coal/clay一塊糖/一塊煤/一塊土

  spiral a spiral of mosquito incense 一盤蚊香

  slice a slice of meat/bread/beef一片肉/一片面包/一塊牛肉

  swarm a swarm of bees一群蜜蜂

  bevy a bevy of beauties/girls/ladies 一群美人/一群女孩/一群女士

  gathering a gathering of friends一幫朋友

  clump a clump of trees一叢樹林

  pack a pack of rascals/wolves一群流氓/一群狼

  3. 表示容積的詞:

  bottle a bottle of ink/milk/wine 一瓶酒/一瓶牛奶/一瓶葡萄酒

  bowl a bowl of rice/porridge 一碗米飯/一碗粥

  pail a pail of water 一桶水

  glass a glass of beer 一杯啤酒

  cup a cup of tea 一杯茶

  handful a handful of soil 一抔土

  spoonful a spoonful of oil 一湯匙油

  mouthful a mouthful of snow 一口雪

  truckload a truckload of steel 一卡車鋼材

  a packet of cigarette一包煙

  4. 表示行為動態(tài)的量詞:

  fit a fit of laughter 一陣笑聲

  peal a peal of thunder 一陣雷聲

  flash a flash of light 一道閃電

  display a display of force 一番武力展示

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