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更新時間:2018/10/16 10:06:00  手機版

  get的過去分詞美語有got 和gotten兩種形式 而英語中只有got一種形式。




  I tried to find my way round London without a map and got lost. 我試圖不帶地圖在倫敦尋路,結果迷路了。

  I never drank in order to get drunk. 我喝酒從來不是為了要買醉。

  We were surprised at the news that she got divorced. 聽到她離婚的消息,我們都很驚訝。


  能夠用于get后構成被語態(tài)的過去分詞不多,常見的有arrested, broken, caught, cheated, confused, delayed, divorced, dressed, drowned, drunk, elected, engaged, hit, killed, lost, married, stuck等。這類結構的主要用法如下:

  I got dressed as quickly as I could. 我盡快穿好衣服。

  I got caught in the deluge on the way home. 我在回家的路上遇到傾盆大雨。

  I got drunk for the first time in my life last night. 昨晚我有生以來第一次喝醉了。

  She nearly got hit by a car. 她差點被汽車撞上了。

  Don’t play with knives. You might get hurt. 不要玩刀子,說不定會傷著自己。

  Happily none got killed in that accident. 幸虧那起車禍沒有造成死亡。

  I gave you a map so you wouldn’t get lost. 我給你一張地圖 這樣你就不會迷路了。

  They were walking out for years before they got married. 他們戀愛多年才結婚。


  區(qū)別一:“be + 過去分詞”多用來表示一般的動作或情況,而“get + 過去分詞”則多用于表示動作的結果或動作變化的逐漸性。如:

  The food was burnt. 食物被燒了。

  The food will get burnt if you don’t take it away from the fire. 如果你不把食物從火上拿開,就會被燒掉。

  區(qū)別二:“be + 過去分詞”的進行時表示動作正在進行,而“get + 過去分詞”的進行時則表示動作即將發(fā)生。如:

  He is being punished by his father. 他父親正在懲罰他。

  The water in the river is getting polluted. 河里的水即將被污染。

  區(qū)別三:“get + 過去分詞”表示突然發(fā)生而未曾料到的情況,雖可表示狀態(tài),但更強調動作,而“be + 動詞的過去分詞”多表示狀態(tài)。如:

  My watch got broken while I was playing with the children. 我跟孩子們玩的時候把表弄壞了。

  Never touch an electric wire when it is broken. 絕不要動斷了的電線。

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