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更新時間:2018/10/31 10:13:00  手機版



  1. I read as many pages as are required.

  這句中沒有省略,其中的 as 是關(guān)系代詞,引導(dǎo)定語從句(as are required)。句意為:要求讀多少頁我就讀多少頁。

  2. The girl are as busy with their work as bees.

  原句有筆誤,girs 應(yīng)為 girls。此句可認為 bees 之省略了系動詞 are。as…as 結(jié)構(gòu)的基本用法,句意為:姑娘們的工作十分忙。注意句中的 as busy as bees 為習(xí)語,意思是“非常忙”。

  3. Work is as necessary for peace of mind as for health of body.

  此句若要說有所省略,可認為是Work is as necessary for peace of mind as it is necessary for health of body 的省略,其意為:工作不僅對于心靈的平靜是必要的,對于身體的健康也是必要的。

  4. Buying a new bike is sometimes as cheap as repairing the old one is.

  不知你的句子出處何處。感覺句末的 is 是多余的。句子大意為:買一輛新的自行車有時跟修理舊自行車一樣便宜。



  1. 當(dāng)先行詞是“such/the same+名詞”時,用as引導(dǎo)定語從句。即,such+n.+as(代詞),the same +n.+as(代詞)。


  ●We invited all such people as were likely to come.

 。╝s在從句中作主語。as=all such people,即,All such people were likely to come.)

  ●I have never heard such stories as he tells. 我從未聽說過他講的這類故事。

  (as在從句中作賓語。as=such stories,即,He tells such stories。)

  ●I’ve never seen such a fool as he is.

 。╝s在從句中作表語。as= such a fool,即,He is such a fool.)。

  例句(as指代the same +n.,作主語/賓語/表語)

  ●Is this the same mosquito as bit you just now?(as作主語。The same mosquito (=as) bit you.)

  ●This is the same knife as I lost yesterday.(as作賓語。I lost the same knife (=as) yesterday.)

  ●She is just the same person as she used to be.(as作表語。She used to be the same person (=as).)



  ●He is such a good boy as everyone likes.他是個人人都喜歡的好男孩。


  ●He is such a good boy that everyone likes him.他是個好男孩,以至于人人都喜歡他。


 、趖he same…as(代詞)…,表示兩物相似;the same…that(代詞)…,表示兩物同一物。如,

  ●This is the same pen as I used yesterday.這是和我昨天用的一樣的鋼筆。

  ●This is the same pen that I used yesterday.這是我昨天用過的那支鋼筆。

  注意:the same …,可以與代詞as/that連用,也可以與副詞when/where等連用。如,

  ●This is the same place where we had the party that day.(where作狀語)




  1. as (連詞)引導(dǎo)評述性狀語從句,which (代詞)引導(dǎo)非限制定語從句。



  2. as與which可以換用的三種情況,純屬巧合。



  ●He married her, which was natural.(不能插入it。為何此處不能插入it呢?因為,which是代詞,在從句中作成分,如果再插入it,則重復(fù)了。)

  ●He married her, as (it) was natural.(有無it都可以。為何此處有無it都可以呢?因為,as是連詞,as在從句中不作成分,所以,插入it之后,也不重復(fù)。又因為as引導(dǎo)的是狀語從句,而狀語從句有時可以省略無意義的主語it。)

  ●She has been absent again, which is expected/(which expected×).


  ●She has been absent again, as (it) is expected/as expected.


  注意,which在“主謂賓”中作主語時,不能替換為as。如,He saw the girl, which/(as×) delighted him.

  Tom was late for school again, which/(as×) made his teacher angry.(這兩個句子為何不能看作as從句省略it呢?因為,在狀語從句中,一般在“主系表”情況下,才可以省略it,而以上兩個句子都是“主謂賓”。)


  ●He is from the south, which we can know from his accent.(不能插入it)

  ●He is from the south, as we can know (it) from his accent.(有無it都可以)


  ●He seemed a foreigner, which in fact he was.(不能插入a foreigner)

  ●He seemed a foreigner, as in fact he was (a foreigner).(有無a foreigner都可以。因為,在狀語從句中,承前省略了a foreigner。)






  as (it) is often the case,as (it) is natural,as (it) seems likely


  as (it) was pointed,as (it) is mentioned/repeated/said,

  as (it) have been announced,as (it) has been said before


  as (it) often happens,as (it) appears

  as I remember/understand (it),as we had expected (it),

  as I have said (it),as we see/know (it),as everyone knows (it)


  4. 注意as/it/what的區(qū)別。如,

  ●What is known to us all is that China has the largest population in the world.


  ●It is known to us all that China has the largest population in the world.


  ●As is known to us all, China has the largest population in the world.




  1. _____ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.(2004,江蘇)

  A.Which   B.When   C.What   D.As


  2. A lot of language learning, ____has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period .(2012,安徽) A.a(chǎn)s   B.it   C.which   D.this


  3. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and emply more people to keep it running, ____meant spending tens of thousands of pounds.(2006,江蘇)  A.who   B.that   C.as   D.which

  分析:which (代詞)在從句中作成分(作主語),as (連詞)在從句中不作成分。選D。

  4. If the man is only interested in your looks, ____ just shows how shallow he is. (陷阱題)

  A. as   B. which   C. what   D. that

  分析:容易誤認為逗號后是非限制性定語從句,從而誤選A或B。其實,注意逗號前是一個條件狀語從句,逗號后是該狀語從句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的情況,用作主句的主語。選D。

  5. —Who should be responsible for the accident?—The boss, not the workers.They just carried out the order____.(2008,福建)   A.a(chǎn)s told   B.a(chǎn)s are told   C.a(chǎn)s telling   D.a(chǎn)s they told

  分析:as (they are) told,選A。


  1. _____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.(全國卷)

  A. It   B. As   C. That   D. What   選B。

  2. The air quality in the city, ____is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months. (2012,福建)

  A. that   B. it   C. as   D. what


  分析:把從句放在句首就很明白了:    is shown in the report, the air quality in the city has improved over the past two months. “正如在報告中所寫的那樣”,as指的是下文所提到的話。選C。

  3. ____ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.(上海高考題)   A. What is required   B. What requires is   C. It is required   D. It requires


  4. ____ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. (2008,山東).

  A. It   B. This   C. What   D. As


  5. Everyone knows that ____ is dangerous to play with fire,but ____ is difficult is to prevent children from playing with fire. (陷阱題).   A. it, it   B. what, what  C. it, what  D. what, it

  分析:容易誤選A或B。其實,第一空填形式主語it,真正的主語是其后的不定式 to play with fire。第二空填 what,what is difficult 是主語從句(注意到what is difficult 后有is,若沒有這個is,則第二空也填it)。答案是C。

  ■語法書對比:一般語法書上講解為“as (代詞)引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句”,為什么本書卻講解為“as (連詞)引導(dǎo)評述性狀語從句”?到底該聽誰的?

  1.為什么一般語法書講解為“as (代詞)引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句”呢?有三個原因:①他們認為,既然“as/which在三種情況下可以換用”,那么“as與which一樣都是代詞”。這種認識是以偏概全,是錯誤的。打個比方,兩個人偶然見了幾次面,有人竟然由此斷定他們是弟兄、谒麄冋J為,既然引導(dǎo)限制性定語從句的as是代詞,那么,引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句的as也是代詞。③他們雖然覺得as與which很不相同,但是不知道如何去解釋二者可以換用的現(xiàn)象。


  3.本書的講解好在哪里呢?本書的講解,僅僅一句話,即,“as (連詞)引導(dǎo)評述性狀語從句,which (代詞)引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句”,就解釋了能換用/不能換用的所有情況。





  (1)夸克《英語語法大全》。①15.53認為“as you know”等是評述性狀語從句。②15.55集中講解了as引導(dǎo)的評述性狀語從句,并對比了as作關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo)定語從句!癮s的這兩類結(jié)構(gòu)經(jīng)常合二為一,可以插入it,也可以不用it。如,as (it) offen happens,as (it) was pointed out,as I remember (it)!雹17.22-24講非限制性定語從句時,壓根兒就沒有提到as。

 。2)徐廣聯(lián)《大學(xué)英語語法》。①第十七講.三.2,as引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。此處列舉了大量規(guī)則以及例句。(筆者注:如果把as看作連詞,引導(dǎo)評注性狀語從句,則這些規(guī)則與例句都能得到合理解釋。)②第十八講.七,講方式狀語從句,認為“as I remember”等可以看作是方式狀語從句。(筆者認為應(yīng)該把as I remember看作評注性狀語從句。)


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